Nature's Answer for Bronchitis and Sinusitis

By Terry Lemerond

This time of year, people everywhere are plagued with bronchitis and sinusitis. Are you one of them?

While the symptoms for each condition are different, both conditions can cause severe discomfort. Fortunately, nature has answers to help you cope with bronchitis and sinusitis.

What is bronchitis?

The bronchial tract is a part of the respiratory tract. If any foreign substance (such as dust), germs, or bacteria, reach the bronchial tract through the air we breathe, inflammation of the mucus membranes may result, leading to an increase in mucus secretion. This condition is called bronchitis. Due to excessive mucus secretion, coughing and difficulty in breathing are the results. In addition, the mucus lodged in the bronchial tract is an ideal environment for harmful bacteria to multiply.

What is nature's answer for bronchitis?

Climbing ivy is a clinically-proven treatment for bronchitis. Ivy is a natural expectorant. A recent survey of 52,470 children confirmed a high level of tolerability of ivy. Ivy leaf extract is a special triple-action cough medicine; it relieves cough, loosens mucus, and eases the urge to cough. With ivy leaf extract, troublesome and painful coughing is calmed but not blocked. This is important as it allows the individual to readily cough up mucus, resulting in trouble-free breathing. Thyme is also an effective bronchitis treatment. It prevents and treats coughs and thins mucus, enabling one to cough. The primary constituents of thyme are the volatile oils, which include phenols, thymol, and carvacol. These compounds are complemented by the actions of flavonoids. Thyme when combined with ivy continues to be one of the most popular and commonly recommended herbal blends in Europe for dry spasmodic coughs, and due to the low toxicity of the herb and its overall safety, it has become a favorite for treating coughs in children.

What is sinusitis?

Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses (hollow air-filled sacs in your skull) and the nasal passage. You have four pair of sinuses. Most people with sinusitis experience pain or tenderness in several locations and their symptoms usually do not indicate which sinus is inflamed. Not only will they experience pain but people with sinusitis frequently have thick nasal secretions that are yellow, green, and some even spotted with blood. Almost all will experience post nasal drip, drainage in the back of the throat, as well as a stuffy nose, headache, fatigue, and a general feeling of congestion over the entire face.

What is nature's answer to sinusitis?

New studies show that natural encapsulated essential oils can heal the inflammation, destroy the harmful bacteria, and maintain healthy mucus membranes throughout the nasal passages and the sinuses. One of the studies involved the use of eucalyptus oil, which has anti-inflammatory and decongesting properties and antioxidant activity, and has been used traditionally to treat asthma, nasal congestion, runny noses, coughs, sore throats, and sinusitis. The study results of eucalyptus show that it can more effectively relieve the symptoms of sinusitis than a placebo. Another essential oil that has been well studied and has been sold for over 75 years in Europe is Myrtle essential oil. One study in particular found that Myrtle essential oil was significantly superior at treating sinusitis symptoms, compared to a placebo. The studies conducted on these two essential oils, as well as the history of their use in Europe, support their value as an effective treatment in acute, uncomplicated sinus infections instead of antibiotics as the first choice. A combination of the two essential oils would create a powerful formula for supporting the sinuses and upper respiratory tract including the bronchial tract. If there is a serious infection present and your doctor prescribes an antibiotic, the essential oil formula can still be used to assist in cleansing the sinuses and reducing congestion.

If you have chronic sinusitis, you may have an airborne or food allergy. Experts believe that there is a possibility that constant exposure to allergens that are present year round such as house dust mites, pets, mold, and cockroaches can cause inflammation of the nasal passages and sinuses. I have personally witnessed a reduction of sinusitis with the elimination of certain foods, especially wheat, gluten, and dairy. Eliminating these foods may not necessarily eradicate sinusitis, but they can help increase recovery time significantly.