What to Know About Digestive Enzymes for Dogs


Digestive enzymes for dogs are the kind of product that would have been unthinkable a couple of years ago. Back then, dogs often lived outside, ate only dry dog food, and barked at the mailman. Today, dog owners tend to be more like parents and can be much more attentive to the animals’ feelings and needs.

One of the most tangible needs that an owner might notice in their pup is help with food and digestion. When your dog gobbles up all its kibble without issue, that’s perfectly fine. But when the dog seems to have trouble digesting, has bad gas, or chronic nausea, it may be time to start thinking about digestive enzymes for dogs.

What Are Digestive Enzymes For Dogs?

No two formulae are exactly alike, but digestive enzymes for dogs tend to include many of the nutrients and materials that go into digestive enzymes for humans (we’re not recommending you take the dog enzymes, just to be clear).

Characteristic in many formulations (such as this product sold through Natural Healthy Concepts) are bromelain, alpha-amylase, papain, lipase, trypsin, protease, pancreatin, betaine HCl, and crude protein. We won’t take the time to go through every one of these. However, many of these ingredients are chosen because they present the same sort of potential benefit. Redundancy is a way of ensuring that a certain effect is achieved, even if an individual dog may be insensitive to one ingredient or other, for whatever reason.

In the case of bromelain, the digestive properties are well understood. Bromelain is isolated from the stems and fruit of pineapples. Like many natural chemicals, bromelain does a lot, but when it comes to digestion, bromelain seems to be particularly effective.

The studies above seem to indicate that bromelain can optimize the breakdown of food and drugs, synthetic or natural. Because of its beneficial effects on the whole organism, and the many processes which occur within, the digestive action may be a primary or secondary effect, or both! If you’re interested, take a look at the other ingredients listed above. You’re likely to be pleased with the amount of knowledge we’ve accrued about these chemicals, and you may want to make them more present in your diet.

When to Try Digestive Enzymes for Dogs

If your pooch seems to be having trouble with its food, it may be time to start considering digestive enzymes for dogs. If your pup is having dramatic problems, a trip to the vet is imperative. Issues like bloat can present as a bad case of nausea, so if the problem is alarming or if your dog seems to be in severe discomfort, digestive enzymes should not be a primary treatment.

However, if your dog simply seems to be having trouble with its food, enzymes might help. Trouble in this case might be demonstrated by burping, gas, hacking, small allergic reactions, eating grass in large amounts, and general signs of discomfort from or aversion to food.

When the digestive system isn’t working right, it’s hard for any animal (dogs and humans) to be at their best. No one feels their best when digestion suffers, and the condition can cause bigger issues. Some dogs have nutrient deficiencies related to poor absorption in the gut, and there can be many other effects as well.

If you have questions about your dog’s digestion, your vet is your best ally. But if the issues are not severe, are chronic, and don’t respond to common remedies, digestive enzymes for dogs could be a big help to you and your best furry friend.

NHC’s Pick


Dr. Goodpets Canine Digestive Enzymes is a great way to support the health of your dog. This dietary supplement for dogs is designed to aid digestion and nutrient absorption. Canine Digestive Enzymes contains concentrated enzymes in powder form, derived exclusively from plant sources. It also contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, a source of live, viable, naturally occurring micro-organisms beneficial to digestion.