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More About Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is the art of using highly concentrated essential oils for health and healing. These oils are extracted from herbs, plants and trees. They provide both healthy or damaged cells in our body with oxygen and nutrients and can even protect and repair our DNA.

Science continues to prove what our ancestors have known all along. Essential oils may temporarily relieve pain and inflammation, help with stress, support a healthy immune system, ease cold and flu, rid your home of mold and germs, neutralize toxins, give you energy and balance and make you feel rejuvenated. Many people use oils to promote a healthy mind, body and spirit.

Research done at Weber State University proves that viruses, fungi, and bacteria cannot live in the presence of many oils, including cinnamon, oregano and clove. Thieves oil, for instance, has a 99.96 percent kill rate against airborne bacteria, and is used for keeping a germ-free home healthier air to breathe.

Find a blend you'd like to try and start reaping the potential benefits of aromatherapy today!