Colostrum Well Wisdom
Well Wisdom manufactures high-quality, native whey proteins that are designed to help support the immune system, particularly during times of stress. Read More >
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More about Well Wisdom
Michael Keenan founded Well Wisdom after a personal health crisis related to his immune function. Soon after enjoying the benefits of the powdered raw milk protein that his doctor had given him, he realized that there were no products available to the general public containing the immune-supportive ingredient from which he had benefitted. So, he developed one!
In all of his research, Keenan came upon a manufacturing method that preserved all of the fragile immune-supportive components when converting fresh whole raw milk into powdered form. He released his first product, ImmunoPro, in 1999. This pure whey protein product is made with Proserum®, a biologically active whey protein with high levels of non-denatured lactoferrin, immunoglobulins, active peptides and growth factors. It contains only 100% pure whey protein concentrate.
Since that time, Well Wisdom has introduced several other products that seek to support immune health. The company currently offers:
- ImmunoPro®
- GlutImmune™
- Bioactive Colostrum™
- Vital Whey®
Natural Healthy Concepts is excited to offer Well Wisdom's immune system nutrition. Click on the product above for more information.