What’s the Stinging Nettle Testosterone Link?

stinging nettle testosterone
The stinging nettle testosterone link may be the key to male reproductive health. Learn more here!

Stinging nettle root has effectively shown support for prostate health in some scientific studies. Keeping this in mind, it’s not entirely unreasonable to assume that this well-rounded plant may have an effect on testosterone levels as well, but how exactly does the herb support male health? Read this blog post to find out more about the potential stinging nettle testosterone link.

First, What is Stinging Nettle?

Stinging nettle is a wild plant that grows abundantly in many parts of the world. You’ve likely seen it before while out on a hike or relaxing along the banks of a river and assumed it was just like any other weed – that is unless you touched it. The plant’s stem is lined with fine hairs that are very sharp and loaded with a cocktail of irritating chemicals that easily penetrate human skin and leave a burning, itching sensation. So basically, it’s a defensive plant, and what it’s protecting is a treasure chest of potential nutritional and medicinal benefits.

Here are just a few of the potential health benefits of stinging nettle:

  • May temporarily alleviate symptoms related prostate concerns in men
  • Provides nourishment for the adrenals, keeping you alert, focused and energized
  • May help soothe menstrual discomfort for aging women
  • Offers post-pregnancy lactation support
  • Promotes a healthy bladder and urinary tract

Stinging Nettle Testosterone

Men who struggle with low testosterone could see some potential benefits to adding stinging nettle to their daily supplement routine. Low testosterone can bring a number of unwelcome side effects including:

  • Lack of sex drive
  • Fewer erections
  • Infertility
  • Increased body fat
  • Decreased body hair
  • Fatigue

How it Works – Two Key Components

  • SHBG Studies show that stinging nettle contains lignans with a strong affinity to SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin). Testosterone has a tendency to bind with SHBG, which – when bound – basically renders it useless to the body. However, when stinging nettle was introduced, scientists found that the lignans had a tendency to bind with SHBG, which eliminated the threat to testosterone, thus freeing it up and allowing the body to use it as nature intended. So it’s not making more testosterone, just allowing men to properly use the supply they already have.
  • DHT – The second component of the stinging nettle testosterone relationship relates to the potential prostate benefits mentioned earlier. Enlargement of the prostate is caused by conversion of testosterone into DHT(dihydrotestosterone), a natural male sex steroid produced in the gonads. High levels of DHT in men are associated with prostate complications and baldness. In a study on the effects of stinging nettle and the prostate gland, it was found that the herb appeared to block the conversion of testosterone into DHT, thus having a positive effect on the symptoms associated with prostate enlargement. Again, when testosterone is not being converted into something else, one can assume that it’s freed up to do what it’s intended for.

Stinging Nettle Testosterone Support Supplements

Now that you’re convinced you need to give it a try, there are several ways you can add a healthy dose of stinging nettle to your daily routine. If you’re handy in the garden, you could harvest a supply by yourself (just do research before handling the plant – remember it stings). The young leaves of the plant are edible and taste a lot like spinach. The leaves can also be dried and used to make tea. The root is also cultivated (and is thought to be especially beneficial for the prostate); you can purchase it in capsule form or in a liquid extract blend that can be added to food or your favorite beverage. Some people like to eat the seeds too!

How you seen benefits from taking a stinging nettle testosterone supplement? Tell us about your experience in the comments below!